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Old wienerhorn corks

BeitragVerfasst: Mo 19. Aug 2024, 12:59
von cuerno27
Hello everyone,
I have and old wienerhorn that could benefit from some repair and maintenance.
The main thing is that I don’t know how to fix this corks from the valves, if there’s any replacements nowadays or it’s some master that could do it.

Thank you in advance,

Re: Old wienerhorn corks

BeitragVerfasst: Do 22. Aug 2024, 09:41
von Günther
Hi cuerno27,
It's not a big deal for an Instrument maker to fix ist. The cork can be replaced by any soft material. There are corks inside and outside the valve. The height of the corks should be controlled.
Tell me where you are located and what brand the horn ist.
Best Regards, Günther